Legal Help For Semi-Truck Accidents In Houston

Legal Defense in Houston

Truck accidents can be among the most dangerous when it comes to auto accidents. The additional weight, size of the vehicle, and their difficulties stopping as quickly as other vehicles are just some of the problems that trucks have, making them a big problem on the roads and highways if the driver is not careful.

The attorneys at Salazar & Velazquez know the consequences that a truck accident can cause, and they are available to put all their effort and experience into ensuring that your problems with insurance companies and other entities that may want to take advantage of your situation are solved in a way that gives you the money you deserve. Don’t let someone think they can pay you less than what you deserve or even pay you nothing.

Differences Between Car and Truck Accidents

As we briefly mentioned, there are many differences between semi-trucks and cars that cause trucks to create more damage and be more likely to cause fatal accidents than accidents involving two smaller vehicles.

Let Our Attorneys Help You

In many circumstances, insurance companies that serve large trucking companies try not to pay for truck accident damages that are covered under their insurance policies. This is often because insurance policies are much larger than a typical car policy. This results in insurance companies having much more to lose. These insurers have astute legal staff who will do their best to get you to talk. If they get you to talk and they make you confused or you say something wrong, they can take it as a statement that incriminates you of something. That statement may allow them not to pay you what you deserve.

The attorneys at Salazar & Velazquez will fight to help ensure this won't happen to you! They have many years of experience dealing with companies like these and getting the results their clients deserve. After having resolved thousands of cases and recovering thousands of dollars for their clients, our attorneys assure you that no one else in the Houston area will fight for you the way they do.

Ways We Can Help You

The attorneys at Salazar & Velázquez are here to defend your case using all the resources they have. In our law office, you can count on your case being handled by professionals who do not rest until everything is resolved properly.

You can expect the following from our legal services at Salazar & Velazquez:


Document Preparation

Knowing what documents you need to start your case is not always the easiest. All cases are different and each one requires a meticulous investigation and this is exactly what we offer you.


Create Reports For Insurance Companies

When creating reports for insurance companies one must be very careful. As we mentioned previously, insurance companies do everything possible to not pay out settlements. Any error or detail that has been omitted in a report can be used to annul your case leaving you without the compensation you deserve.


Take Testimonials

Taking testimonials is often tricky and requires expert mediators to ask the right questions and get the answers you need. Many times, people do not know what to ask or end up asking questions that are not relevant to the case and end up creating documents that cannot be used when appearing in front of a jury or judge.


Create a Legal Strategy

All legal cases are unique no matter what type of cases they are. In the event of truck traffic accidents, many factors make them unique. We take into account every detail to create a strategy that gives you results according to your case. Our job is to ensure you are compensated fairly.


Legal representation

If the trucking company involved in the accident tries to complicate the situation and the case requires a jury and judge to make the corresponding decisions, we will work with you to defend you in court. With our help, you will have two attorneys who take these issues personally and will fight fiercely for you!



When it comes to negotiations, the attorneys at Salazar & Velazquez are unmatched! You can feel confident that our attorneys negotiate everything because you are happy with your results.


Make Decisions

In many cases, you may receive more than one possible outcome to your case. The agreements that are achieved thanks to negotiations tend to have different results than initial settlement offers. If you receive multiple offers, we will be there to help you make the right decision so that you get what you deserve.

If you have been the victim of a traffic accident caused by the negligence of a truck driver, you may need to receive compensation that pays for damage to your property, health, and many other problems that this may cause. Do not let anyone abuse your situation and leave you without repairs or solutions. The attorneys at Salazar & Velazquez are here to fight for you. Contact us today and receive your free consultation!

Driver Error

Despite the potential damage and dangerousness of a truck, truck drivers often drive recklessly and dangerously. Although these drivers are typically limited to 10 hours of driving, many work longer hours to cover expenses or to make more money. These factors result in drivers being unable to respond in time to avoid an accident.

Truck Maintenance

Trucks generally travel thousands of miles each week. If a truck is not properly serviced and maintained, it can quickly turn into something dangerous. Trying to stop a multi-ton vehicle with malfunctioning brakes can cause major highway disasters.

Equipment Failures

Having faulty parts or equipment can be another problem that causes truck accidents. Our attorneys can do the necessary research to determine if this was one of the problems that caused the accident. This can define whose responsibility it is - the driver or the company that creates the truck parts.

Loading Trucks Improperly

Trucks must be loaded following regulations and laws. If not done properly, the contents of the cargo area can come loose and cause major accidents that can be fatal many times.

IG - Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

Who Can Be Responsible For Truck Accidents?

If you have been involved in a trucking accident, one or more groups related to the truck may be at fault. It is common for these groups to try to get out of legal problems by denying guilt. Here are the individuals or groups that may have some responsibility:

  • Truck driver
  • Company to which the truck belongs
  • The owner of the truck
  • The company that rents the trucks
  • The company that rents the trailers
  • The company that distributes the load
  • Manufacturers of truck or trailer parts

Trusted Attorneys in Houston

Regardless of the accident or who caused it, you need an experienced attorney to help you resolve your legal problems with an insurance or trucking company. The attorneys at Salazar & Velazquez have helped countless people with their Houston accident cases.

If you have been the victim of one of these accidents, do not hesitate to contact our attorneys for the assistance you need so that you can be rewarded fairly!